Cycletracks on the Arborway

Recently, the DCR laid down new bike lanes on the Arborway, part of the network of Emerald Necklace roads running through Jamaica Plain from Forest Hills to Jamaica Pond. While this should be a positive gain for city cyclists, unfortunately the DCR ignored the advice of bicycle advocates and painted lanes that are inadequate and even dangerous to cyclists.

The Boston Cyclists Union is staging a campaign to replace these poorly-designed bike lanes with cycletracks, a six-foot wide path protected from automotive traffic by a two-foot buffer.  Please sign the petition and add your comments at the Boston Cyclists Union website.

The Arborway is part of a network of city parks dating back to the 19th century that has unfortunately been adapted for use as a freeway for automobiles.  While there are posted speed limits of 25 mph, drivers routinely travel at speeds close to twice that speed. Speeding is encourage by the inordinate space devoted to cars ranging from 4 lanes to a ridiculous 8 lanes between Centre St and Parkman Drive. Building cycletracks will create safe space for both bicycle commuters and recreational riders enjoying the parks.  A more inviting space to ride will encourage more bicycling and reduce automotive congestion. And narrowing the excessive space devoted to automobiles will help calm out of control speeding and reckless driving.

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